This is how today's 12:12 portal will help you manifest your dream life: Conditions apply!
The last double date of 2024 year has rolled in! And what do we do when we see repeating numbers? We pull out our pens and journals and manifest away of course
Every year like clockwork, the Universe (and yes, our Gregorian calendar) gives us plenty of silver platter opportunities to get our business together. The manifesting veterans already know what we're referring to but for the squinting skeptics and the wide-eyed newbies on the block, we're basically talking about repeating dates through the course of the year.
Today then, is December 12, which makes the date 12/12. And if you're wondering, yes, this too has the same magical potential that limelight-centred dates like 11/11 and 8/8 have. Lion's gate portal anyone? As a matter of fact, this principle applies to each of the 12 recurring dates through the months. So 1/1, 2/2, 3/3…each of them possess the same portal potential.
But why you ask? The answer lies in angel numbers! Put very simply, angel numbers are simply repeating numbers which as per age-old lore, carry the energies of a message or blessings the Universe is attempting to deliver to you. The same logic then, applies to the overarching energies of dates like 12/12.
12/12 in particular carries the doubled energy of the number 12 which as per Numerology, represents the numbers of completion, divine order and balance. Today's manifestation portal then, is the perfect time to get down to some hard core vision board planning. Whatever be your choice of ritual when conversing with the Universe, it is important for you to make the highest conscious effort to end the day on a note of alignment. That's easy if you're having a good day, but be wary as the currently ongoing Mars Retrograde in the sign of Leo, is more likely than not testing your boundaries with inexplicable spells of lethargy, irritation and a sense of hopelessness. It's nothing you haven't dealt with before, but for today of all days, talking yourself out of it will serve a higher purpose for your future self.
So don't waste the last angel-coded date of 2024, hunker down, correct your energy and see your dream life sweep you off your feet as you enter the New Year. Lacking motivation? Listen to Ariana Grande who melodiously put it into words: 'Just like magic / Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it, ayy / Just like magic / I'm attractive / I get everything I want ‘cause I attract it’.
Happy manifesting!