Reverse ageing
Last week, we talked about the three major processes of anti-ageing: detoxification, rejuvenation and nutrition and therapies – both maintenance and enhancement, writes Shikha Sharma.
Last week, we talked about the three major processes of anti-ageing: detoxification, rejuvenation and nutrition and therapies – both maintenance and enhancement.

For detoxification, it is important to begin by taking a mild laxative the night before. Drink lukewarm water first thing in the morning to get the bowels working actively and start releasing toxins. Drink at least three glasses of warm water before noon. You can also opt for an ayurvedic body massage like abhayanga. The diet should consist of fruits, light herbal tea and warm soups with no sour ingredients or artificial flavours. Eat a light khichri by 3 pm and then get some rest.
Mild enemas with herbal water can be given a few times in the detoxification process. This process can continue from one day to 15 days, depending upon an individual’s health or severity of disease. During this time, one can also practice pranayam and mild yoga exercises.
After the body has been cleansed, it is time to build the rasas of the body. The rasas are the fluids that carry nutrition and adaptogens to different parts of the body in order to bring back the functioning of the body to a youthful state. During the rejuvenation phase, eat khichri made from rice and mung dal along with a dash of organic ghee. The only function of ghee is to carry the nourishment to deeper tissues. Many herbs are added as decoctions or as powders to the menu.
Herbs like Ashoka are good for the female reproductive system, while Brahmi helps rejuvenate the nervous system. Gokshura is good for the urinary system and the prostrate gland, while Ashwagandha is a tonic for the nervous system. Bringraj is pitta-pacifying and good for anxiety-related hairfall and premature graying of hair. Guduchi is a powerful immuno modulator and helps the body to heal itself and improves immunity. Shatavri for the female system and ulcers is also rejuvenating. Such herbs, along with body massages and eye therapies are to be given for a period of a month.
Maintenance and enhancement
During maintenance, one has to continue with the herbs and slowly build one’s diet along with various exercises so that strength returns to the body, along with better posture and bone density. The only difficult part of trying to reverse ageing naturally is that one cannot go back to a lifestyle of overeating, late nights, overdrinking etc. Follow this and you will not need Botox or other treatments.