International Parity at Work Day 2024: Why do we celebrate this day?
International Parity at Work Day 2024: Here's the real reason why this special day is celebrated. It's time to call out discrimination.
International Parity at Work Day 2024: Each person in the world deserves equal pay for a specific job. However, that is not how workplaces treat them. Often pay scale is determined by gender, caste, race, age and sexual orientation. Society likes to set standards for certain things, and unfortunately, it also suppresses certain races, genders and sexual orientations as minorities. These people are treated in an unjust manner when they are paid a percentage of the money that is paid to other people for the same job. Hence, International Parity at Work Day is observed to educate people on the importance of claiming equal pay and creating awareness about the punishments that can follow if workplaces continue with such unjust practices.

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Every year, International Parity at Work Day is observed on January 11. In January, 2017, the first International Parity at Work Day was observed in London at an international event with countries such as Japan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and the United States getting on board. Multicultural performances, inspiring dialogues, and awareness on equal pay were discussed in that event. Since then, International Parity at Work Day is celebrated every year on January 11.
Importance of celebrating International Parity at Work Day:
Discrimination is still rampant in any industry. Be it based on gender, or colour, or race or sexual orientation, people are shamed and then their pay is affected because of that. It is time to raise our voice against such malpractices in workplaces that make people do a job and do not pay them the amount of money that they deserve. International Parity at Work Day is the day to raise awareness, call out discrimination when we see it, discuss it online and make more people aware of it. In case we are going through discrimination, we should bring it up with the Human Resources department of the organisation immediately.