
World Asthma Day 2023: 3 tips to prevent Cardiac Asthma

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi
May 02, 2023 01:18 PM IST

It is very easy to differentiate between Bronchial Asthma and Cardiac Asthma. Here are causes, symptoms, treatment, 3 tips by expert to prevent Cardiac Asthma

On the occasion of World Asthma Day, we also have to know what is Cardiac Asthma which is often confused with asthma but Cardiac Asthma is in fact not Bronchial Asthma though its symptoms, however, closely resemble asthma and are characterised by breathlessness, wheezing and extreme discomfort. According to health experts, Cardiac Asthma is actually breathlessness from cardiac causes, generally, heart failure.

World Asthma Day 2023: 3 tips to prevent Cardiac Asthma (Photo by Twitter/offlineclinic)
World Asthma Day 2023: 3 tips to prevent Cardiac Asthma (Photo by Twitter/offlineclinic)

Cardiac asthma is a medical condition that is caused by congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. When the heart is not working properly, fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, which are similar to the symptoms of bronchial asthma but this condition is called cardiac asthma because the symptoms are caused by the heart rather than the lungs.

Cardiac asthma is most common in older adults and people with a history of heart disease and the symptoms may be more severe at night and can be triggered by lying flat or physical activity. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Kaushal Chhatrapati, MD DM, FACC FSCAI FESC, Interventional Cardiologist explained, “When the heart muscle becomes weak secondary to any cause (heart attack is the most common cause), it can not pump the blood forward effectively. This, is documented by the fall in heart's “ejection fraction” or contractile force. Normal Ejection Fraction, expressed as a percentage is 65%. Whenever this falls to 40% or less, heart failure ensues. The blood which is not pumped by the heart, pools in the lungs. This leaks into the minute air sacs where respiration occurs. This then hampers exchange of gases and oxygen level in the blood falls. Patient experiences coughing, difficulty in breathing and wheezing. This is Cardiac Asthma.”

Insisting that it is very easy to differentiate between Bronchial Asthma and Cardiac Asthma, Dr Kaushal Chhatrapati highlighted:

1. History of allergy and tendency to have asthma attacks from young age favour a diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma. In Cardiac Asthma, there is history of heart disease, blood pressure and or diabetes.

2. Pink frothy sputum indicates Cardiac Asthma. Bronchial Asthma patients may bring out sticky, viscid sputum.

3. Rapid and dramatic response to inhalers or nebulization of asthma medications favours Bronchial Asthma. Cardiac Asthma generally doesn't respond to bronchodilators alone, though they may help a little. IV urine making drugs ("Diuretics") bring about a rapid symptomatic relief in Cardiac Asthma.

4. History and Pulmonary Function Tests are definitive tests to diagnose Bronchial Asthma. ECG may give a clue about underlying heart disease in Cardiac Asthma. However, 2D Echocardiography is the definitive test to diagnose Cardiac Asthma, along with some blood tests.

Talking about how to prevent Cardiac Asthma, Dr Kaushal Chhatrapati suggested:

1. Take medicines for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Diseases regularly.

2. If patient has low EF, he/she should limit salt and water intake as per doctor's advise.

3. Both Cardiac and Bronchial Asthma are triggered by infections of lungs. So, both the patients should take seasonal Influenza and Pneumococcal vaccines.

Cardiac Asthma is a dangerous disease however, if properly treated, many patients can live a healthy and fruitful life. Treatment for cardiac asthma involves managing the underlying heart condition through medication, lifestyle changes and sometimes surgery.

Diuretics may also be used to help reduce fluid buildup in the lungs and relieve symptoms. It is important for anyone experiencing symptoms of cardiac asthma to seek medical attention as soon as possible to receive appropriate treatment.

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