covid-19 immunisation
]Latest from covid-19 immunisation
Debunking myths and misconceptions around immunisation or vaccination in India
Experts address the challenges around immunisation awareness and eliminate the prevalent myths and misconceptions around vaccination in India

Post-COVID-19 conditions change a person's immunological response: Study
The study found that after people with long COVID-19 received the vaccine, they produced antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19 for months longer.

Published on Apr 27, 2023 02:49 PM IST
ANI | | Posted by Krishna Priya Pallavi, Washington, Us
India among countries with highest vaccine confidence. What about its neighbours
“This is a recognition of the Government of India's political and social commitment,” UNICEF India Representative said.

India records 1,300 new Covid cases, highest in 140 days
India covid cases: The death toll has increased to 5,30,816 with three deaths.

Covid ‘most-likely’ jumped from animals to humans, claims new report
The samples found evidence of the presence of the novel coronavirus along with genetic material from multiple animals — including raccoon dogs.