sdg index
]Latest from sdg index
Basic survival no longer an issue in India, says Niti Aayog
According to NITI Aayog’s SDG Index 2023-24, India is expected to achieve the SDG target 1.2 of halving multidimensional poverty much ahead of 2030

Development management professionals will be key to achieving India's goals
Some findings suggest that about 3 lakh NGOs in the country employ a crore people and serve 70-80 crore people.

IIT Roorkee and THDC sign MoU to engage in research activities
According to a press release by IIT Roorkee, the MoU outlines the commitment of both institutions to engage in a wide array of research activities.

Connectivity initiatives to achieve SDGs and Paris climate goals
This article has been authored by Fanny Sauvignon and others from ORF.

Agenda 2030: A bumpy road ahead?
The article has been authored by Ashwajit Singh, founder & managing director, IPE Global