Tintin's Bengali connection
Published on Jan 15, 2021 11:16 AM IST
Tintin, the comic character created by Georges Remi (Hergé) in 1929 is an inextricable part of our childhood. The comics are popular around the world, and in India, they were translated first into Bengali in the 1970s by the noted writer Nirendranath Chakraborty for children’s magazine Anandmela. Sarnath Banerjee, author of graphic novels like Corridor, The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers and The Harappa Files, among others, grew up in North Calcutta reading Tintin comics in Bengali. Now based in Germany, Sarnath speaks to HT about the enduring legacy of the intrepid reporter, and why he reads out the Bengali comics to his eight-year-old son.