The BJP’s KP Singh won the seat for his party in 2014 after a gap of 15 years. Before that, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Swami Chinmayanand was elected from Jaunpur in the Lok Sabha election held in 1999.
Election Results Jaunpur 2019: The Jaunpur parliamentary constituency in eastern Uttar Pradesh has not elected the same party twice since 1989.
The BJP’s KP Singh won the seat for his party in 2014 after a gap of 15 years. Before that, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Swami Chinmayanand was elected from Jaunpur in the Lok Sabha election held in 1999. Parasnath Yadav of the Samajwadi Party was elected in the 2004 election and Dhananjay Singh of the BSP won in the 2009 polls.
Jaunpur Lok Sabha seat has the Badlapur, Shahganj, Jaunpur, Malhani, Mungra and Badshahpur assembly constituencies under it. It has a sizeable number of Thakurs, Dalits, Brahmins, Yadavs and Muslims voters.
Uttar Pradesh, which sends the maximum number of members to Parliament at 80, saw polls in all the seven phases of the Lok Sabha election 2019. Presently, BSP candidate Shyam Singh Yadav is in the lead from Jaunpur, while KP Singh from BJP and Devvrata Mishra from Congress are trailing according to the election result updates.
Here are a few details about the Jaunpur Lok Sabha seat: