RRB Recruitment: Western, South- eastern railways invite applications for sports quota posts
Indian Railway Recruitment Board has come up with some more vacancies, this time, for the sports champions. Western railways and south eastern railways have invited the sports champions to apply for 42 posts (21 each). The application process will commence from August 14 and will conclude on September 13.
Indian Railway Recruitment Board has come up with some more vacancies, this time, for the sports champions. Western railways and south eastern railways have invited the sports champions to apply for 42 posts (21 each). The application process will commence from August 14 and will conclude on September 13.

Eligibility Criteria:
For Level 5/ Level 4 posts - Applicant should have represented the Country in Olympic Games (Senior Category OR (b) at least 3rd Position in any of the Championships/event in the World Cup (Junior/ Senior Category) I World Championships (Junior/ Senior Category)/ Asian Games (Senior Category)/ Commonwealth Games (Senior Category).
ForLevel 3/ Level 2 posts- Applicant should have achieved at least 3rd position, in any of Championships I Events in the Commonwealth Championships (Junior/ Senior Category)/ Asian Championships/Asia Cup (Junior /Senior Category) I South Asian Federations (SAF) Games (Senior Category)/ USIC (World Railways) Championships (Senior Category).
Pay scale for Western Railway Recruitment:
(7th pay commission)
Level 4 posts: ₹25500- ₹81100
Level 5 posts: ₹29200- 92300
Level 2 posts: ₹19900- 63200
Level 3 posts: ₹21700- 69100
Selection process:
Selection process will be based on sports trial, assessment of educational qualification followed by certificate verification.
For Western Railway: Candidates can apply online at the official website of western railway after August 14.
For South Eastern Railway - Offline applications only.
Eligible candidates can send their application in the prescribed format along with other necessary documents, one passport size photoraph pasted on the form, one extra photograph with name, date of birth and signature of candidate on its back side and send it to The Assistant Personnel Officer(Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Bungalow No.12A, Garden Reach, Kolkata-700043 (Near BNR Central Hospital) on or before 13 Sep 2019. Candidate should write ‘Application against Sports quota (open advt.) recruitment for the year 2019-20.