Thick smoke from intense forest fires engulfed Srinagar town in Pauri Garhwal earlier in the day, causing a delay in the resumption of the aerial firefighting operation by the IAF helicopter
Introduced by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre in June 2022, the Agnipath scheme seeks to recruit soldiers for only four years, with a provision to retain 25% of them in the regular cadre for 15 years after another round of screening.
Pulkit Arya, the resort owner and expelled Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vinod Arya’s son, and his staff members, Saurabh Bhaskar and Ankit Gupta, were arrested for allegedly murdering the woman
A special investigation team is ready to press charges against three persons suspected of murdering a receptionist at a resort in Pauri Garhwal district, Uttarakhand police said on Saturday.