Meerut SSP Rohit Singh Sajwan said Choudhary was named accused in the case of culpable homicide and careless driving. He and his aide Himanshu were booked in the case registered at Parikshatgarh police station on January 30.
Police have declared a reward of ₹25,000 for any information leading to the arrest of BJP leader Prince Choudhary, who, along with one of his aides, is wanted in a hit-and-run case.
Meerut SSP Rohit Singh Sajwan said Choudhary was named accused in the case of culpable homicide and careless driving. He and his aide Himanshu were booked in the case registered at Parikshatgarh police station on January 30.
Sadar Dehat circle officer Devesh Singh added that Choudhary was still at large after his vehicle crashed into a scooter killing two of its riders Gaurav and Vans Tyagi from Khajoori village. “A reward of ₹25000 has been declared for Prince Choudhary. Soon, a similar reward will be announced for Himanshu as well since he is also absconding,” said Singh.
Choudhary, a resident of Bijnor, was invited to a programme at a school in Khajoori on January 30. He and his aide were travelling in two separate SUVs when one of the vehicles ran over Gaurav and Vans. Both vehicles were later seized. The police officials said teams were conducting raids to arrest the absconding duo at the earliest.
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News/Cities/Lucknow News/ Hit-and-run case: ₹25,000 reward announced for arrest of BJP leader