The project is a a part of the Nitish Kumar government’s ambitious Ganga Water Lift Scheme (GWLS), conceived under “Jal Jivan Haryali Abhiyaan” to supply clean and safe drinking water to the water deficient places like Rajgir (Nalanda), Gaya and Nawada through pipelines from Hathidah at Mokama in Patna district.
After Rajgir in Nalanda district and Gaya in Bihar, water from river Ganga is expected to be available to every household in urban areas of Nawada district from December 15 this year, an official said.
The water treatment plant for this purpose has already been developed at Paura village in Nawada and the preparations are being made to give finishing touches to the connectivity with the sump house and the households in the urban areas of Nawada.
“Preparations for the Ganga water supply in Nawada is almost in the last phase. If all goes well, the project will be launched on December 15,” said Ratan Tilak, an official on duty at the water treatment plant in Nawada.
The project is a a part of the Nitish Kumar government’s ambitious Ganga Water Lift Scheme (GWLS), conceived under “Jal Jivan Haryali Abhiyaan” to supply clean and safe drinking water to the water deficient places like Rajgir (Nalanda), Gaya and Nawada through pipelines from Hathidah at Mokama in Patna district.
This water resources department’s project was approved by the state cabinet in December 2019.
The total length of the pipeline installed to supply Ganga water to three towns of the state is 190.90 kilometres.
While the first phase of the project covering Rajgir and Gaya was successfully launched in 2022, the second phase to cover Nawada is due to be over by this month.
Aman Kumar, a Nawada resident, said people here have been waiting eagerly for Ganga water supply. “The area has long been facing drinking water crisis,” he said.