If you haven't heard of it already, yes there's even a day to celebrate cleavage. Twitter is abuzz with National Cleavage Day tweets. It is an annual celebration held in either March or April and sponsored by the brassiere marketer Wonderbra.
If you haven't heard of it already, yes there's even a day to celebrate cleavage. Twitter is abuzz with National Cleavage Day tweets. It is an annual celebration held in either March or April and sponsored by the brassiere marketer Wonderbra.
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The bra-maker tells Huffington Post: “We view this as a day for women to acknowledge that their cleavage is something unique and encourage you all to be proud of it.”
According to its research: “Most British women are happy to showcase a bit of cleavage as it helps make them feel feminine, sexy, and gives them confidence.”
Poonam Pandey in a twitpic
This is what tweeple are discussing:
@iPoonampandey: Happy National Cleavage Day! Woo hoo, how should I celebrate? lol heheheh i celebrate it every day ;p
Happy National Cleavage Day...we are all rocking our best bras today ;)
So ladies, let's see how you're celebrating national cleavage day!
@EmilyDawson2477: National cleavage day? More like national welcome all perverts day..
@lauraharmes: Just found out next Sat (31st) is national cleavage day. So ladies dig out your wonderbras. Right On.