Bano, a resident of US Nagar district in the state joined the party in the presence of state president and MLA Bansidhar Bhagat and other senior leaders. Bano had shot into limelight in 2016 when she filed a petition in the Supreme Court on Triple Talaq, which the NDA government later made a punishable offence.
Triple talaq crusader Shayara Bano who was among the first petitioners in the Supreme Court against the practice of Triple Talaq or instant divorce in the Muslim community, joined the BJP at its state headquarters in Dehradun on Saturday.
Bano, a resident of US Nagar district in the state joined the party in the presence of state president and MLA Bansidhar Bhagat and other senior leaders. Bano had shot into limelight in 2016 when she filed a petition in the Supreme Court on Triple Talaq, which the NDA government later made a punishable offence.
Expressing her gratitude on joining BJP, Bano said she joined the national party as she was ‘influenced by its principles’.
“Not only was I highly influenced with BJP’s principles, I also looked upon PM Modi as my ideal. These are the reasons that I decided to join BJP,” Bano said.
She also said that she was impressed with the BJP-led NDA government’s fight against the Triple Talaq by bringing in a law against it. “What this party’s government did was for the welfare of crores of Muslim women in this country.”
“In future I am ready to shoulder any responsibility given by the party leadership,” said Bano.
BJP state unit president Bhagat who welcomed her into the party said, “The determination with which Bano fought the battle against Triple Talaq in Supreme Court, I am sure she will carry forward the principles of BJP with the same determination.”
The Congress meanwhile called the development as BJP’s tactic to “divert the attention of the public from real issues”.
“It is purely an attention diverting tactic by BJP. When they should talk about real issues like unemployment, price rise, falling GDP, they are busy raking up issues like Triple Talaq and enabling new joinees in the party like Shayara Bano,” said Suryakant Dhasmana, party state vice president.
Calling Bano a mere ‘pawn’ in the hands of BJP he said, “BJP has been using such pawns to target minorities and appease the majority and harming the social fabric of the country.”