Cong to form govt: Astrologer
Reeta Shanker Seth had predicted, as early as Jan '04, that the Cong (with allies) would form the government at the Centre.
The following prediction was made by astrologer and tarot card reader Reeta Shanker Seth in the month of January 2004. She, however, wasn't able to arrive at specific seats that each party would win.
"After analysing the horoscopes of Sonia Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and India, my prediction is that the position of Congress would be better than that of BJP. Congress along with its allies will form the Central government."
The statement had been met with due skepticism, but today the actual results tally with Seth's predictions. Though all the results are yet to be announced, it is clear that Congress is leading across the board.
Seth went on to say that, "Sonia Gandhi (D.O.B. 9.12.1946;Time-21;30 at Turin) was born with the Cancer ascendant. Aries (whose Lord is Mars) is in her tenth house – the most important house for politicians. And in her Navansh chart too, the lord of the tenth house is Mars which is well placed with Jupiter again in Aries.
"As per Dasha analysis there’s the strong possibility that she is running the dasha of Mars from 26th February 2004 to 23rd February 2005. Again Mars is very-very supportive from the dasha point of view also. But in transit Mars is placed in the twelfth house which is not a positive indication of her becoming the Prime Minister."