This video posted on Instagram shows a cute Golden Retriever doggo called George who is very guilty after biting off the gingerbread house his family decorated for Christmas.
If the term ‘puppy eyes’ ever loses its meaning, watch this adorable video of a dog named George to remind you exactly what it is. This Golden Retriever doggo is seen to have bitten off a part of the gingerbread house that his family had decorated for Christmas.
The video opens to show this adorable pooch standing with a part of the roof that the gingerbread house was made with. He appears to be very guilty about what he has just done and stands with the piece in his mouth. Reshared by the Instagram page called Dog, the video was originally shared on TikTok and later on the Instagram page dedicated to this fur baby.
The caption to this video reads, “George definitely did not steal the gingerbread house. He was simply putting it back together after the cat broke it.” The video then goes on to show how he twirls around shamefully with a piece of the gingerbread house in his mouth.
Posted on Instagram around four days ago, this video has already garnered more than 1.4 lakh views and several comments from dog lovers on the app.
“George is innocent. The court of paw already cleared his name. Can’t bring him up on those charges again because that would be double jeopawdy,” reads a comment. “Run George! I'll start the getaway car,” posted another individual. “I love how he feels kinda guilty but not enough to drop the house,” commented a third.