The Bhojpuri actor, who recently got evicted from Bigg Boss 6, said, "“Delnaaz has the strongest chance of winning Bigg Boss. She is so caring and loving, and remains the same with everyone and also works along with them."
Dinesh Yadav aka Nirahua is the latest to get evicted from the Big Boss house. But the Bhojpuri actor says he has no regrets, and that his purpose of entering the show is now complete.
“I wanted to show people the real me. I, by nature am very calm and simple. I don’t fight with people over unnecessary issues and I’m glad viewers saw me as what I’m in real life,” says Nirahua, who wants actor Delnaaz Paul to win this season. “Delnaaz has the strongest chance of winning Bigg Boss. She is so caring and loving, and remains the same with everyone and also works along with them,” he says.
The 35-year-old also says that he learnt a lot while living in the house. “I’ve said this before as well and I’m saying it again, Bigg Boss is an institution. It tests your qualities to the limit and that’s where you realise who you really are. I’m absolutely grateful to the show for giving me a wonderful experience,” says the actor, who had earlier too faced an eviction, but was shifted to the neighbouring mud house instead of being sent home, and then brought back to the Bigg Boss house. “I have no problem with anyone. Everyone has an opinion and that should be respected,” he adds.
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