IBPS PO 2019 Recruitment : Last few days left to apply for over 4K vacancies
IBPS (Probationary Officers) PO 2019 Recruitment: Last few dates are left for the recruitment of 4336 vacancies of PO. The last date to apply is August 27. Check eligibility criteria, exam dates, steps to apply online and Other important information here.
IBPS PO Recruitment 2019: If you have not yet applied for the huge vacancies for probationary officers under IBPS 2019 recruitment, you have just two days left to do so.

Online application process for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is ending on August 27, 2019. With just few days left for the application link to be deactivated, candidates should apply for the 4336 vacancies of probationary officers (PO)/ management trainees very soon.
The online application process for IBPS PO exam had begun on August 7.
Follow these steps to apply online for IBPS PO 2019
Candidates can apply online only and no other mode of application will be accepted. Before applying, candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the notification.
1) Go to the IBPS’s official website www.ibps.in
2) Click on link “CWE PO/MT”
4) Online application form will open
5) Click on “CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION” to register and enter basic information
6) Provisional registration number and password will be generated
7) Note down provisional registration number and password
8) Reopen saved data using provisional registration number and password and edit particulars if required
9) Upload photograph, signature, Left thumb impression and a hand written declaration as per specifications in notification
10) Carefully fill online application
11) Use ‘SAVE AND NEXT’ facility to verify details in form and modify if required
12) Clicking on ‘FINAL SUBMIT Button’ only after checking every detail carefully as no changes will be permitted after this.
Note: In case, you are unable to fill in the application form in one go, you can save the data entered and save the provisional registration number and password generated by the system. You can reopen the saved data using provisional registration number and password and edit the particulars if needed. Submit the data only after the application is filled in completely and correctly.
Fees/intimation charges
Payment of fees/intimation charges can be done through the online mode only.
1) Application form is integrated with payment gateway
2) Payment can be made using debit cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), credit cards, internet banking, IMPS, cash cards, mobile wallets
3) Additional page of application form opens after ‘Final Submit’
4) Follow instructions and fill in requisite details
5) Pay application fees/intimation charges online
6) E-receipt will be generated on completion of transaction
7) Take print out of online application form
Note: Apply much before the closing date and don’t wait till the last date for depositing the fee/intimation charges.
The details about participating organisations, tentative schedule, eligibility criteria and much more can be found in the detailed notification.
Eligibility conditions
Candidates applying for the exam must be a graduate from a recognised university or should have an equivalent qualification which is recognised by the government. He should be between 20 and 30 years of age {not born earlier than August 2, 1989 and not later than August 1, 1999 (both dates inclusive)}. There is relaxation of age for certain category candidates, which can be checked from the notification. There is also reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities (check notification).
IBPS PO 2019: Step by step guide on how to apply
The recruitment examination for probationary officers (PO)/management trainees will be held in three stages: 1) Prelims 2) Main and 3) Interview.
IBPS PO 2019: Registration and admit card
The online registration process for IBPS PO 2019 exam will begin on Wednesday, August 7 and end on August 28. The candidates can pay the fees for the exam in the same period. The call letter for pre-exam training, to be held between September 23-28, will be released in September itself. The admit card for the preliminary examination will be released in October.
Exam dates (tentative):
The IBPS PO online preliminary examination will be held on October 12, 13, 19 and 20 and its result will be declared in October/November 2019. The IBPS PO online main exam will be held on November 30 and its result will be declared in December. The IBPS PO interview will be held in January/February 2020, and the provisional allotment of the selected candidates will take place in April 2020.
IBPS PO Prelims 2019: Exam pattern
The IBPS PO preliminary exam 2019 will be held in online mode and candidates will be asked to solve 100 objective type questions divided into three sections (30 questions from English and 35 questions each from Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability). Candidates will get 20 minutes (separately timed) to solve questions of each section. Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination. One-fourth of the marks allotted to an objective question will be deducted as penalty for each wrong answer.