A 17-year-old boy, identified as Vishvas Gaikar, lost his life due to drowning in Murbad on Monday. The incident occurred when he went out for music practice with his group members and later decided to go swimming in the Kalu River
Disregarding the pleas of their families to skip the Maharashtra Bhushan award function in the searing afternoon heat, Gulab Patil, 56, and Meenakshi Mestry, 58, decided to attend out of love and devotion to Appasaheb Dharmadhikari. On Monday, when they received the mortal remains of the women, the families were shattered.
Despite the presence of a treasure trove of folk art and culture, they remain underrepresented in most of the country’s formal art education curricula. This prompted Prateek Jadhav, an alumnus of Sir JJ School of Art, to embark on a solo bicycle journey to understand and explore rural art forms and cultures