
Mickey Mehta’s 10 commandments of wellness

Hindustan Times | By
Aug 30, 2020 08:00 AM IST

He was 8 when he first began training his body. Today, at 58, fitness guru Mickey Mehta can put to shame fit guys 20 years his junior!

In 1970, when Mumbai was Bombay, an eight-year-old boy was restless. It would be his birthday the next day and all he wanted was to join a gym. His mother suggested he should ask at the nearby YMCA.

While doing asanas, you preserve your breath and conserve your body, says fitness guru Mickey Mehta.
While doing asanas, you preserve your breath and conserve your body, says fitness guru Mickey Mehta.
“Never go to a guru who is too serious. When you meditate, you realise that life is not something one should get too serious about.”
  • Let wellness be the religion. Yoga teaches you that swasth is your swarg – your health is your heaven. It builds your character and personality.
  • The goal should be evolution, not weight loss. Yoga is a service, not just something you practice. The change of the body is the lowest hanging fruit.
  • Yoga teaches you that the best exercise for your biceps is not lifting weights, but uplifting the poor.
  • For strong shoulders, take on responsibility for the underprivileged.
  • Be rooted in humility to be better fruited in humanity. Yoga annihilates your ego. As the song made famous by Gandhiji says: Vaishnav Jan To, Tene Kahiye Je Peed Paraaye Jaane Re Par Dukkhe Upkaar Kare Toye Man Abhiman Na Anne Re.
  • While doing asanas, you preserve your breath and conserve your body. That rhythm transforms your desires into aspirations of sharing.
  • Sleep every night with a wish to heal yourself and wake up every morning with a promise to heal the world. Yoga teaches you stillness. Swasth is about three things: swayam mein sthit, swayam mein upasthit and swayam ki upasthiti. This means: Established in your individuality. Individuality that cannot be divided into duality. The presence in the essence of the being. The all-pervasive conectedness with you and the cosmos. The confluence of all energies. The presence of the eternal atman. That is healing.
  • Don’t move through the postures fast. Settle into them with reverence. In the being is the seeing. For example, dhanurasana shows how the bow helps the arrow hit the target by giving it alignment, trajectory and stability.
  • Asanas are the seat of awareness.
  • The main thing about yoga is breathing. Breathing is swara. Swara se baney sur and sur se baney sangeet and sangeet se hum ho jaye tarangeet. This means, swara or sounds become notes and notes make music, which charges the body. The tarang is the bio-electricity of the body. It harmonises you with your own being and the cosmic being. So, get energised and Mickeymised.
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