
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 267 spoilers: Major character return, og trio comeback teased before ‘the end to a long battle’

Aug 23, 2024 01:19 AM IST

The previous Jujutsu Kaisen chapter saw Megumi's return; the next one will finally complete the OG character trio and hit fans in the feels. Dig into the leaks.

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga series is racing towards its final climax, with the last chapter of Gege Akutami's magnum opus slated to roll out on September 30. For now, the epic war between the King of Curses and JJK protagonists rages on. The epic showdown just took things a notch higher, with certain bits circling back to the story's roots.

The OG Jujutsu Kaisen trio is back -- Nobara, Megumi and Yuji.
The OG Jujutsu Kaisen trio is back -- Nobara, Megumi and Yuji.

On Thursday, August 22, the spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 267 were leaked online, teasing beforehand that the “OG JJK trio” – Yuji, Megumi and Nobara will play pivotal roles in the final arc as the issue wraps up supernatural action next month. The leaked information has further revealed that there will be no break next week, which means that the 268th chapter will follow after the forthcoming entry. JJK 267 will be out on Monday, August 26, at 12 am JST / Sunday, August 25, at 7 am PT.

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 267 spoilers

Trusted JJK scoopers and Reddit discussions ar back at it with the new reveals. According to the new spoilers, one of the most beloved protagonists – Nobara Kugisaki – will be taking back the reins upon her highly anticipated return to the series.

However, before the spoilers get down to her, they pick things up with a discussion about body swap training. The exchange between Yuta and Gojo leads the former to ask the latter to give him the final Sukuna finger so that he can encourage Rike to consume it, enabling her to copy the King of Curses' shrine cursed technique. But Gojo turns down his suggestion.

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Although he agrees that the Sukuna finger would help Yuta fulfill his cursed technique requirement, it wouldn't be enough to analyse the shrine cursed technique information. Yuta concurs with him as he recalls that even with cursed speech, he needed Inumaki's input on harnessing it. Rika simply needs to devour a part of the subject's body to copy a cursed technique. The quantity and nature of the body part are determined by weighing out the subject he's copying from and the number of times he'll be using it.

Yuta explains further that if he wants to copy a strong cursed technique, he must ingest a Jujutsu Sorcerer's body part that is severely fatal to them. He can then fulfil the technique's requirement using a binding vow to limit the use.

However, suppose the part Rika ate is regenerated on the subject's body with a reversed cursed technique. In that case, that consumed bit will become useless and his copy cursed technique's requirement will also remain unfulfilled.

Expanding on the vision, Yuta says that he previously used Inumaki and Hana's arms because he knew that they couldn't heal them by harnessing reversed cursed technique and modern science. Moreover, he took a part of Charles' ribcage to copy his cursed technique (Hakari assured him that he would be healed eventually).

He nods once Mei asks Yuta if he knows about Yuji and Sukuna's “resonance” from Todo. While they're hoping to execute the plan before taking on Sukuna, they leave Yuji with the bare minimum information.

He's also seen telling Yuji in the past that his body is engraved with Sukuna's cursed technique, and there is no need to doubt it because Satoru Gojo confirmed it with his six eyes.

The narrative switches back to the present day, and Sukuna notices that Yuji is missing more than the one finger he tore off in his attempts to transfer himself to Megumi. Soon, catching the bluff, he realises that Yuta used Yuji's finger to copy the shrine cursed technique.

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Nobara is back!

The scene jumps to Utahime and Gakuganji, who are at the place where Sukuna's last finger is sealed. In cryptic terms, Gaku asks if “that” technique could penetrate the special-grade cursed object. Utahime responds by highlighting that maybe “she” can pull it off through a binding vow, allowing her to focus solely on applying the technique's effect. However, they're concerned by the fact that it has not been long since “she” woke up.

The next scene cuts to Nobara saying, “Rejoice boys,” answering who “she” was supposed to be. She then uses “resonance” on Sukuna's final finger. Shortly after that, the King of Curses convulses, finally realising it was Nobara's cursed technique. Losing all calm, he freaks about being unable to open his domain.

Yuji's emotions get the better of him as he tears up after the realisation that Nobara is alive. She then directly addressed him in her characteristic cocky ways. The new development empowers Yuji, and he barely gives Sukana any time to recover from Nobara's offence and quickly hits with his soul dismantle. An action-packed sequence follows as Yuji batters Sukuna, landing brutal punches. The King of Curses can't take it and throws up. However, that's not a sign of him giving up. Eventually, he responds with a punch of his own and hits Yuji.

Talking back to Yuji, Sukuna perceives he's running out of more moves and has surpassed his limits. However, Yuji swiftly gives him an unexpected answer, hitting him with his special delayed second-impact punch. He's locked in the moment and is invested in putting an end to the “ever-cycling curse.” Karma soon hits Sukuna in the face as Yuji lashes at him with a black flash.

The upcoming chapter concludes with the editor's comment: “The end to a long battle.”

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