Rujuta further added how the strength to weight ratio hampers the shape of the body by making us less strong and less sharp with age. “Essentially, we begin to spread in our bodies, fall towards gravity because our muscles get weaker, less strong, less stable, less sharp, with age,” she added.
On Friday, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar set the yoga mood on Instagram with a picture of herself acing a yoga position to perfection. With age, the necessity of bringing the weight and the strength of the body to a close ratio comes to become very important – Rujuta explained the need and what can be done to uplift ourselves, through a post and a picture of herself in a yoga position.
Rujuta Diwekar’s Instagram profile is replete with informational health tips and the nutritionist keeps speaking of the benefits of taking up yoga on a daily basis. On Friday, Rujuta shared a picture of herself, where she can be seen balancing her body on her feet and on her head, with the rest of the body positioned upwards. “As we get older, our strength to weight ratio begins to get poorer,” she wrote.
Rujuta further added how the strength to weight ratio hampers the shape of the body by making us less strong and less sharp with age. “Essentially, we begin to spread in our bodies, fall towards gravity because our muscles get weaker, less strong, less stable, less sharp, with age. And that’s how we all get out of shape,” she added.
Rujuta wrote that all of this is preventable through the continuous practice of yoga and the consistency of dedication of taking it up on a daily basis. “This is preventable though and all it takes is consistent practice of yoga. So that we can lift our own weight and uplift ourselves from all that drags us down,” she wrapped her post. Read her post here:
Yoga, as stated by Rujuta Diwekar, comes with multiple health benefits. It helps in improving the strength, balance and flexibility of the body. If incorporated in the daily fitness routine, yoga helps in improving heart health, enhancing energy and decreasing stress.