Amit Shah, the Home Minister, responds sharply to allegations of erasing Mughal history. Responding to a question on the Mughal legacy, Shah said that the BJP does not want to remove anybody's contribution to history, including that of the Mughals. The Home Minister also defended the renaming spree in BJP-ruled states and said not a single city that previously did not have an old name has been changed. The statement comes just days after U.P. Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak appealed to change the name of Lucknow as it is "well known as the city of Laxman." After this, BJP MP Sangam Lal Gupta urged Union Home Minister Amit Shah to rename U.P.'s capital city of Lucknow as "Lakhanpur" or "Laxmanpur."
News/Videos/News/ Amit Shah rejects 'erasing Mughal history' charge amid BJP's 'Lucknow as Laxmanpur' demand