Sarah Janette Davies
Sarah Janette Davies
Sarah spent her early years in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where her father managed the construction of a unique landmark building, and returned to the subtropical city of Brisbane, Queensland for her education. Secondary schooling was in Brisbane where she was involved in many extra curricular activities, music and sport. Her special passion was for Rhythmic Gymnastics and was proud to be the Queensland Champion. She was also elected House Group Sport Captain & Prefect. In her final year of school she participated in a Chinese Exchange program and lived for a few weeks with a family in Shanghai. Since leaving school Sarah has acted in TV commercials and modelled professionally on a part-time basis whilst studying at university, graduating on 12 October 2004 with a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Communication and Public Relations. Sarah’s plans for the future include establishing a career in television. Personal motto is "Nothing happens first unless first a dream".
Age: 22
Height: 174
Occupation: Student
Home: Sherwood
Title: Miss Australia 2004
Last Placement: Top Twenty (2003)