Lokesh Bharamappa Jagalasar, superintendent of police (SP), Bagalkote, said the fight between the two students, one a Hindu and another a Muslim, in a tuition class escalated quickly after both of them brought in more people.
A fight between two Class IXth students in Karnataka’s Bagalkote district took communal colour after members of both Hindu and Muslim groups attacked each other, police said.
Lokesh Bharamappa Jagalasar, superintendent of police (SP), Bagalkote, said the fight between the two students, one a Hindu and another a Muslim, in a tuition class escalated quickly after both of them brought in more people. It led to a scuffle in which both the students received injuries, the SP added.
“Two cases have been filed. As of now we have detained eight people,” Jagalasar told HT on Tuesday.
According to the police, both students are from the same locality. There were allegations that one of the students objected to the other wearing a skull cap, however, police said they are yet to ascertain what led to the fight.
“People from both sides who were responsible for this disorder and disharmony are being detained and produced before court,” the SP said, adding that a case of attempt to murder, grievous offences and rioting have been slapped against those apprehended so far.
Meanwhile, purported videos of boys covered in blood were widely circulated on social media on Tuesday. “All videos are being examined,” Jagalasar said, adding, “Suitable action is being initiated.”