
Locust threat: Situation under control in Sirsa:CCSHAU

Hindustan Times, Chandigarh | By, Hisar
Feb 07, 2020 06:30 AM IST

Sirsa deputy commissioner Ramesh Chander met with the officials concerned and directed them to report the presence of the locust swarms to the administration and scientists

A team of entomologist from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU), who had visited different villages in Sirsa after the arrival of swarms of locusts, on Friday said the situation was under control.

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Sirsa deputy commissioner Ramesh Chander met with the officials concerned and directed them to report the presence of the locust swarms to the administration and scientists.

An alert was sounded in Phulon, Chattha and Panniwala Morika villages in Sirsa after the arrival of locusts in Haryana. The agriculture department has formed emergency response teams in Sirsa and Fatehabad.

CCSHAU assistant entomologist Dr Anil Jakhar said, “Though the situation is under control but farmers must keep a strict vigil at all hours. Locust swarms travel during the day and eat all vegetation in their way.”

“If a farmer sees 5,000 or more locusts over a hectare of agricultural land, they must inform the administration. There were 25 to 30 locusts per hectare in Sirsa. Locusts lay eggs in desert areas thus, farmers in Sirsa, Fatehabad, Bhiwani, Charkhi Dadri and Mahendergarh must stay on alert,” he added.

Principal scientist and head of the department of entomology professor Yogesh Kumar said, “When we learnt of the presence of locust swarms, we sent a team to the affected area. The teams observed that old farmers were knowledgeable about locusts, but the new generation not so much.Therefore, awareness programmes are the need of the hour.”

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