Assam TET 2025 answer key released at, check direct link and important details here
Assam TET 2025 answer key has been released at The direct link to check is given below.
The Directorate of Secondary Education, DSE, Assam has issued the provisional answer key for the Assam Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) 2025. Candidates who took the examination can check and download the provisional answer key on the official website at

Notably, to download the answer key, candidates will need to enter their Application ID and Password.
Additionally, candidates who wish to challenge the answer key can do so through the website till February 20, 2025.
For each objection raised, candidates will have to pay ₹500 as fee. If the objections are found to be correct, the money will be refunded to the candidate.
The official notice reads, “This Portal will facilitate the interested candidates to raise their objection against the Answer Key of any question on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) per question. Objection must be supplemented with proper justification and any objection without justification will be treated as null and void. If the justification for challenging a particular Answer key is found valid by the expert Committee constituted to examine the challenges, then the amount of Rs. 500/- will be refunded to the source from where the amount was paid.”
It further added, “All the Objections shall be placed before a Committee of Academic Experts and the decision of this Committee shall be final and no further communication shall be entertained.”
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Worth mentioning here, the Assam TET exam was conducted on January 19, 2025 for the posts of Graduate Teacher and Post Graduate Teacher under the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam.
Meanwhile, candidates can also download a scanned copy of their Assam TET OMR answer sheet 2025 upon paying a fee of ₹50.
“On receipt of application with payment the concerned candidate will receive SMS in his/her registered mobile within a period of one week time of receiving the application. After receipt of SMS, the applicant can download the scanned copy of his/her OMR Answer sheet by logging in using the same credentials,” the notice reads.