weight loss diet
Latest from weight loss diet
Woman who shed 9 kgs, shares why a protein-rich post-workout meal is important
Having a protein and carb-rich post-workout meal helps in muscle repair and rehydration. But is protein shake a good choice?

Nutritionist who shed 12 kgs, shares 7 tips for weight loss with calorie deficit
From eating the right foods to walking every day, here are a few habits that can help faster and sustained weight loss.

Nutritionist who shed 86 kilos, shares ‘five hard fitness truths’
Pranjal Pandey, who went through a drastic weight transformation, shares five fitness truths that she had to learn for faster weight loss.

Nutritionist shares 5 supplements to take during weight loss journey
From probiotics to vitamin B complex, here are five supplements that can promote healthy weight loss.

Woman reveals how she lost 10 kg without being miserable, following diet culture
Fitness influencer Shivani Karnica lost 10 kg by following the 80-20 rule, balancing healthy habits with enjoyable foods. She emphasized movement should be fun.